What Happened to My Favorite Restaurant?

Two years ago I wrote about my favorite restaurant in Rome, L'Altro Mastai. But a recent visit to their website (now nonexistent) confirms that they are now closed. Does anyone know if they are planning to reopen in a new location? Where has the chef, Fabio Baldassare, gone? This is indeed a disaster! Read my post from two years ago and don't tell me that you aren't mourning the loss of this wonderful, elegant restaurant.

"Tucked away on a tiny street near the bridge to the Castel Sant'Angelo on Via Giraud, 53, is a restaurant unlike the typical Roman trattoria. L'altro Mastai, opened four years ago, is innovative, unexpected, and truly a gourmet experience. The menu offers many interesting twists on Roman dishes such as hen soup with Jerusalem artichoke and braised veal with parsley sauce. There is always a tasting menu with wines to match. The wine list is extensive and offers selections from all over Italy and Europe in all price ranges. The chef often circulates around the dining room after the meal, so don't miss the opportunity to talk to him about your exquisite food. Reservations are necessary. According to Zagat, the restaurant will be moving to a new location in winter of 2008-Via delle Terme di Traiano, 4a, near the Colosseum."


  1. I agree that this is sad. I ate there two years ago and had one of my best meals ever. Fantastic food and a very good staff.

    At first it was listed as closed for a redesign. (I had also read that the restaurant might be moving instead of rehabilitating the current location.)

    But now it seems to be closed and the chef de cusine hasn't landed elsewhere.


  2. Thanks for your updates and comments. It is too sad. Where will we eat in Rome now? What's your second favorite place?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. No place for comment for above post so will leave here. Read Imperium last year in Venice. Loved it! Thank you, thank you for the info about Conspirata!

  5. I am reading it right now and I have to admit that Robert Harris has done it again! It's amazing how accurate he is-the attention he has paid to the details of that era is astounding. But it is also a very sad story, too. I liked Imperium much more as it chronicled the rise of Cicero and the triumph of democracy in Rome. Conspirata is all about democracy's end. Some passages are downright frightening.


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