
Showing posts from February, 2010

Fashion Week in Milan

Fashion Week started in Milan and the bloggers are all over it-the shows AND the people on the streets. Take a look at Tommy Ton's blog on for edgy shoes and hats. Garance Dore 's observations are witty and sweet. And Scott Schuman always has classic portraits of the most stylish of the fashionable.

Andrew McCarthy Visits Rome and writes about it for National Geographic Traveler

Andrew McCarthy, one of my teenage crushes (okay, maybe an adult crush too) now writes occasionally for National Geographic Traveler . His most recent article, Three Faces of Rome , chronicles a visit to Rome during which he stays in three different neighborhoods. He starts with serious luxury at the Hotel Hassler and ends with authentic Rome in an apartment in Trastever e. McCarthy is my kind of traveler-his restaurant and cafe experiences are exactly what I look for when I visit Rome. He also has a great list of apartment rental resources. I will definitely be looking into them for my next visit!